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tv   Liberally Stephanie Miller  Current  January 3, 2013 6:00am-9:00am PST

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nd. jacki schechner i'm sorry, jim is not here. he is in the bathroom drinking. >> that's a lot of information. [ glugging sound ] [ door slams ] >> stephanie: we're having too much fun at speaker boehner's expense this morning. >> yeah he has had a rough go lately. >> media right had a story that he was getting ready to step down, but then they pulled that story. >> i don't think that's actually the case. they have the vote up today, and i don't think that's going to happen. i think that probably came from somebody who was frustrated with him, and leaked the news and
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somebody ran with it. >> stephanie: jacki i have a story with the words gop-kaball. >> well how important is accuracy to you. >> stephanie: not much. >> good morning, as the children and teachers of sandy hook elementary school return to class today. the fbi said it conducted a record number of background checks of people looking to buy firearms last month. there were 2.8 million background checks conducted in december. that's up from 2 million a month before, and 1.9 million the year before. tighter background checks is one part of possible legislation that lawmakers will be considering. according to reuters a senate panel taking a closer look at
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the connections between zero dark 30 and their cia contacts. the committee will investigate records of contacts between the records, screen writer and cia personnel to find out if they provided inappropriate access to secret materials. it's a movie about the hunt for osama bin laden, but it has been criticized for its graphic depiction of torture techniques. and after the new house of representative is sworn in today they will elect their new speaker and as we mentioned john baner is expected to keep his gavel, but it is possible we see a second ballot for the since 1923. we're back after the break. lay people off because now the
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government is going to help you fund your healthcare. really? i want to have those conversations, not to be confrontational, but to understand what the other side is saying, and i'd like to arm our viewers with the ability to argue with their conservative uncle joe over the dinner table. [ ryon ] eating shrimp at red lobster is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for $11.99. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99! choose any two of five savory shrimp selections like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. two delicious shrimp selections on one plate! all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just $11.99 for a limited time. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. i'm ryon stewart i'm the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differently.
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[♪ theme music ♪] >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine, woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ ♪ hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. check it out. you can email us all there, chris lavoie jim ward or me stephanie miller. the sexy liberal website. the big show coming up january 19th. tickets going very very fast. all four sexy liberals and two huge celebrity guests on panel.
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carol and bandit it is dogs that are tea bagging each other while watching us on current. momma and the mooks our dogs are demonstrating how sexy liberal dogs tea bag. that's really disturbing. the one on the bottom is action jackson -- >> the catcher if you will. >> stephanie: yes. and the adorable puppy on top is stephanie. >> the pitcher. >> stephanie: she is a gold gold -- golden terry doodle.
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all of the girls like to be told they are shmall. >> huh? >> stephanie: she likes to sit on people's lapse and lick their faces. >> and their shmalls. >> stephanie: we would like to be they be the official canine tea baggers of the "stephanie miller show." >> well, that's disturbing. >> stephanie: yeah. it was a disturbing picture. >> well -- >> stephanie: and this one -- [♪ romantic music ♪] >> stephanie: randy wanted me to know. hello, you are the most interesting person i have ever seen. thank you randy. thank you. [ applause ] >> that's loaded. that's very loaded. >> stephanie: and i'm going to ask the most interesting man in the world, david shuster what he thinks about that in the next hour. i like letters that start hello.
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>> stephanie: it was ant letter. it was a subject line. >> stephanie: so he got his point across. >> he could have tweeted that just as easily. >> stephanie: i don't care. >> i know. >> stephanie: why -- did you send this to me to make me cry. >> i did. >> stephanie: because i needed a happy story, like i haven't spent my entire vacation watching lay messerables, and crying. >> i cried four times. >> stephanie: oh, my god, man up. it's not called the les happies. >> that's right. >> stephanie: so i needed this.
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>> [ inaudible ]. >> stephanie: lost blind dog finds its way home in alaska. >> in the winter. >> and sarah palin shot him! [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: stop it. this story does not end that way. [ glugging sound ] [ door slams ] . >> actually i use that sound effect for hard-drinking lincoln. [ glugging sound ] >> stephanie: yes. blind and alone, and temperatures 40 below zero -- i'm just laughing about sarah palin, it does not thaend way. >> yogi so cold. he shot me yogi. >> stephanie: that's an old sketch where sarah palin shots -- >> yeah, and yogi just rips her to shreds. >> stephanie: yeah it was a
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very sad sketch. a lost fair banks dog wasn't given much of a chance to make it, but abby found her home. [ applause ] [ sobbing ] >> and there was another blind dog story. they adopted a stray cat. and the cat is like the seeing eye dog for the blind dog. >> stephanie: oh no! [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: and this makes me feel like less of a -- >> looser. >> stephanie: well drunk. >> drunk looser. >> shut up! >> stephanie: i love it when [ inaudible ] meets ironic file. ♪ isn't it ironic ♪ >> stephanie: man gets dui after
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driving on to an aa founders lawn. >> that is ionny. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: the man faces drunk driving charges after driving on to the historic lawn of the founder of aa. i'm a friend of bill's! >> shhhh! >> stephanie: you just gave away his name. [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: hi bill. >> it's in the title of the organization, anymore rod. >> you are thinking of brian wilson. >> stephanie: oh, there you mentioned another -- [ buzzer ] >> stephanie: stop it. the wilson house website calls
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a, quote unquote, sanctuary where people can come to give their lives to god. >> or park on the lawn. >> stephanie: or pause shortly while they sober up. >> exactly. get a cup of coffee. [ applause ] >> stephanie: all right. eric in fort worth texas. hello, eric. >> caller: hi, stephanie. i was just listening to the local news here and originally they said that al gore sold his al-jazeera yet recently. >> stephanie: yes. >> but then i got confirmation that current tv was sold to alja sere. and al gore did not own
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al-jazeera. >> stephanie: yes. >> i'm here in fort worth. i moved here when it was a reasonable place to live and it has changed over the past ten, 11 years but i'm glad you confirmed that for me. >> stephanie: yeah. that is true. probably not the best of news for us. >> caller: yeah. what is that going to do to the show. >> stephanie: it depends on how they feel about women in baseball hats, but i don't think we know yet. >> programming decisions have not been made yet. so we don't have any answers. >> stephanie: i would just like to announce that i do have hair if that matters to anybody. i could take this off. >> caller: okay. [ applause ] >> stephanie: we're laughing this morning. >> yeah. >> stephanie: at least i'm not going to end up on -- [ applause ] >> yeah it's just -- it's too
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soon. we don't know. we don't have any answers. >> stephanie: right. don't look at me. don't make eye contact. let's go to cheryl in illinois. you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi, cheryl. >> caller: hi i want to make a comment about that lady that called before. my gosh. obama is the best president we have ever had. they are still complaining. i mean let the guy go to hawaii. >> stephanie: she was concerned he is not educating his children because they are out of school this week. >> caller: yeah, he has done so much. my god let him go to hawaii. but the guy before her, i'm an ex-tea partier too. and i got republican rehab, and since i am rehabilitated, i feel very screwed over by boehner. we were good tea partiers we
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never messed up our talking points if reporters asked a question, we would throw them under the bus. we feel screwed over by boehner. and i'm from independent party now. >> stephanie: okay. >> caller: i don't want to be a tea partier anymore. >> stephanie: all right. cheryl what were your main issues you were concerned about? >> caller: it's just embarrassing to talk about. in the grocery store, you hear people talking politics, and people say are you a republican? and i almost say yes, because i used to be. but i'm just like independent now because i'm so embarrassed and it's john boehner's fault. and they don't care about the bottom poor or -- i'm a 47% tea
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partier, that's what i am. >> stephanie: yeah, most of us are part of the 47%. cheryl i have far more things to be embarrassed about in my life. so don't be embarrassed. >> caller: thank you. >> stephanie: oh boner you made her a sad panda. [ mumbling ] [ glugging sound ] [ door slams ] >> stephanie: okay. seventeen minutes after the hour. i'm going to put that sound effect in my computer, and play it back during cocktail hour. and you know how i will keep it safe carbonite! >> bringing it home. >> stephanie: who wants to do stuff? >> not me? >> stephanie: right? well, that goes without saying. start backing up all of your
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computer files with carbonite. it does it for you automatic automatically. carbonite will back up all of your files to the cloud automatically and continually and all for just $59 for the entire year. and it is secure. i have lawyer friends that use it. plus access those files from any computer or smartphone. >> wow! >> stephanie: thank you for acting like you just found that out. >> that's new. >> stephanie: right? and the offer code is stephanie. eightteen minutes after the hour. right back on the "stephanie
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miller show." >> announcer: you can't turn her off. not in the middle of turning her on. it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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(vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ didn't start the fire it was always burning since the world's been turning ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ didn't start the fire we didn't light it, but it is the time to fight it ♪ >> [ mumbling ] i was thinking smoking the cigarettes was the same thing. >> from what i'm reading, harry reid started the fire by throwing obama owes first proposal into the fire.
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>> stephanie: can you believe there? i love when boner told him to [ censor bleep ] off. and he is like excuse me? what do you mean? i don't know if he doesn't know what that means. and then boner explained it. i said [ censor bleep ] off. >> yeah, i said it! >> i'm not entirely sure harry reid has ever used that phrase before. >> stephanie: and then he balled up boner's balls and through them in the fire. [ applause ] >> stephanie: gop kaball ready to unseat boner. >> good. [♪ mysterious music ♪] >> stephanie: now sources told breitbart that enough republicans are ready to throw boehner out, at least 20 house republicans have gotten together and are willing to unseat boner. cantor tweeted majority leader
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cantor stands with speaker boner. [ screaming ] >> stephanie: speculation is otherwise silly, non-productive and untrue. >> okay. >> stephanie: i can't even remember where i put my lying sack. it's in there somewhere. ♪ you lying sack of crap ♪ >> john boner is a bastard. i hate his f-face. >> stephanie: all right. cindy in michigan. hi, cindy. >> caller: hi. this is a good year because yesterday the republicans exposed themselves for what they are. they use everything for leverage, even people who got hit by a hurricane. i think that that hurricane help was -- they were actually trying
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to tie that to the fiscal cliff in some way. and that poor lady who used to belong to the tea party, i hate to tell her, you were always being used. >> stephanie: yeah. yeah. >> caller: you have always been used. >> stephanie: look at dick army. he takes $8 million. he is like i couldn't leave empty handed. he used all of those people like that woman. >> caller: absolutely. not just their money, but their sincerity. their humanity. the things that made them look like they were doing something, those people on the front line like that lady made the tea party look human where dick army was going off and basically took a golden parachute. >> stephanie: right. the disaster relief -- chris christie obviously didn't like the beating he took for
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basically getting blamed for romney losing. >> caller: absolutely. the quote of the day was when boehner looked at those people in his own party and said i don't want to talk to you people. and i thought well that's because it was new year's day, and he didn't get to recover from new year's eve and have a little hair of the dog or whatever. >> stephanie: right you wonder if it's part of the steam we have been talking about, is republicans only understand issues when it happens to them. and because it's peter king's state, he just now noticed that republicans act like douche nozzles. >> and ass hats. >> caller: exactly. boehner has been working under some agreement called the hahser rule. when he went against that rule
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and brought it in, it got voted in, period. >> stephanie: yep. >> caller: this is great. >> stephanie: happy new year. >> caller: happy new year. >> and i'm sure with the hastet rule involved pork. >> stephanie: that's right, jim. >> it is always going to have some sasage involved. >> stephanie: it's our nickname for -- >> oh, gad! >> stephanie: oh, gad, it has been a while. >> he has been out of the news there. i hear he stepped on a bag of vipers. >> stephanie: now the hahser rule and john boehner gets hit
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with a bag of vipers. [ laughter ] >> you know it's a disaster when you run out of meat products. >> that's a disaster. >> stephanie: when you're in chicago and they run out of bratworsts. that's a disaster. i need some relief from that. >> stephanie: we're doing denny haster humor? >> you are hit with a bag of kibasa. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets
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that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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>> while other people are out living their lives, i wasted mine watching tv because deep down i knew it might help -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- save the world. >> stephanie: oh, well. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. thirty-four minutes after the hour. >> save idaho. >> stephanie: david shuster coming up at the tom of the hour. john in minnesota, welcome. >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: i am john [ inaudible ] in minnesota. >> stephanie: okay. all right. don't beat your meat. [ laughter ] >> caller: anyway, she should be a shamed to be a tea partier, at
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the same time she could have joined the occupy movement. why do you let these people off of the hook for being tea partiers. they are morons. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: it didn't start -- they got dupeddy dick army who started a grassroots thing and then took $8 million out the door. but their beliefs were sincere. >> you have got to respect that. >> stephanie: yeah, they got used by the -- >> sure. >> stephanie: bobby in florida. you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hello. >> stephanie: hello. >> caller: i have a question for you about this cliff that we all just fell off of -- >> stephanie: yeah, ouch. >> caller: what does that mean for a retired smo like me who is living on social security and a couple of pensions.
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>> stephanie: what is that noise? bobby, i don't think it means anything. are you in the top 1%? >> caller: oh, heck know. >> then you'll be fine. [ applause ] >> stephanie: he is happy about it, oh, no. can i have festive music, please. >> all right. [ festive music ] >> stephanie: that crying you hear is the republican party, that crunching is obama ating them for lunch. the crying you hear is the republican party who just came to the realization they just had their asses handed to them on a
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plate. they are a united front that has stayed firm since the reagan era until now has just fallen apart. after the election they are like everybody we talked to agreed with us, and hated obama and then they lost. >> that's right. >> stephanie: and then they were bewildered -- >> what sean hannity lied to us. >> stephanie: carefully hiding their agenda behind propaganda and fox news. >> mitt romney is going to win in a landslide. lots of pictures in it. >> stephanie: president obama lured them into the open with his carefully crafted chess game with his pretend broken wing,
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flap, flap look at me i'm practically a lame duck. the speaker of the house has been turned into a laughing stock. he is at the point he told harry reid to go [ censor bleep ] himself. consider obama has how managed to get them to break on their number one priority. now what do they stand for. >> and then grover norquist says they didn't raise taxes on anybody. >> they signed the pledge. >> stephanie: the republicans sleeves are empty of tricks. >> tricks are for kids. >> stephanie: actually he is comparing it to the i just [ censor bleep ] shot myself guy on youtube. he set the same trap twice and republicans walked right into it, and wtf, did obama manage to get them to shoot themselves
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again. my brother got me to touch the electric fence once and obama just got them to touch it a third time. >> don't ever whiz on the electric fence. >> stephanie: that's not happy, happy joy time. ♪ happy, happy, joy ♪ [ electrical buzzing ] >> our! [ glugging sound ] >> the electric bottle. >> stephanie: my ex's cat made me do that. oh, touch my stomach. [ screaming ] >> look at me i'm cute. i'm cute. [ screaming ] [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay. the new congress will be dealing
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with immigration, i think obama is about ready to cement the immigration block as solidly democratic. but first he'll get the republicans say a bunch of nasty things on the record. >> yeah. >> stephanie: the republicans are crying because they have turned into monsters and they just don't seem to be able to stop themselves no matter what. in this case it's self inflicted cuts. chris christie attacked boner in a way i have never seen before. well, when chris christie jumps on you, there is going to be a lot of fracturing. >> ow! i need more bourbon! [ glugging sound ]
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>> stephanie: do what boehner sounds like with chris christie sitting on him? [ mumbling ] >> stephanie: all right. bah da bing. >> oh god. oh. >> stephanie: sit back ladies and gentlemen, we can get a bargain in the place of strength. crunch, crunch crunch, the president is eating their lunch. look at me i'm a lame duck. i have a broken wing. please. hah hah! ♪ nah nah nah nah nah ♪ >> suckers! >> stephanie: i bet he did say that. he just signed it in hawaii by auto pen. and then he wrote suckers. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: susie in florida, you are on the "stephanie miller show." hi susie. >> caller: hi. i want to talk about the nra's
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plan to arm schools. i think they should higher veterans. >> someone suggested the national guard -- >> stephanie: you know, i have to say. i do have a little bit of concern with the amount of posttraumatic stress syndrome that we have with the vets that have served. believe me, i understand, because i'm not a parent that you want to do immediately what is going to protect your kid. so i don't want to say that should be off the table but i don't want to introduce more guns and more people with mental problems. >> caller: between that and training teachers to use weapons. come on. the whole thing is asinining. >> stephanie: yeah. >> caller: i don't understand the philosophy behind it. but i think there's a lot of out
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of work military people that could use some jobs if they are really gung ho on this. >> stephanie: right. and they are always talking about cutting government spending. so it's like where are you going to get that money? >> caller: exactly. the nra seems to be able to garner a lot of funds -- >> stephanie: yeah, why don't they pay for the guards then. there will be a way of coming to the table. we will pay for the armed guards for every school in the country. >> caller: exactly. >> stephanie: all right. thanks, honey. let's go to albert in tucson. hi, albert. >> caller: good morning. >> stephanie: good morning. >> caller: i hope the republican behavior since the election has proved to everybody that they
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will not be a responsible senate. all talk of reforming the filibuster has ended as of two weeks ago. i haven't heard anything about it, have you? >> stephanie: i have not either. i don't know -- we should -- some people talk about it, and it comes up but we had rob reiner talk about this. and it really is something that i think they should address. because it's -- this new makeup is better of this congress. but i don't see it getting much better. and i think that's why the president made the deal he did because he didn't see more cooperation happening with the new congress than the old one. >> plenty of people voted democratic. just -- >> stephanie: yeah, about a million more people voted for democrats for congress even than
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republicans. all right. forty-five minutes after the hour. right bag on the "stephanie miller show." >> i love it. it's a fabulous program. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ at the end of the show, you know what has happened, why its happened and more importantly, what's going to happen tomorrow.
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rich, chewy caramel rolled up in smooth milk chocolate. don't forget about that payroll meeting. rolo.get your smooth on. also in minis. rogaine? well, i'll admit it. i was skeptical at first. but after awhile even my girlfriend noticed a difference. [ male announcer ] rogaine is proven to help stop hair loss. and for 85% of guys, it regrew hair. save up to 42% now at
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i want the people who watch our show, to be able to come away armed with the facts, and the arguments to feel confident in their positions. i want them to
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have the data and i want them to have the passion. ♪ >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. forty-nine minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. well what -- the holiday gifts just keep on coming.
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[♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: what now former house majority leader was sentenced to prison monday with a scheme to influence elections that already cost him his job. i wonder if he'll be drinking at barfy's bar and grill. [ mumbling ] >> i think i'll call john boehner [ mumbling ] >> that's the truth! you should -- you shouldn't mix yaeger meister with -- [ hiccups ] -- southern comfort. >> stephanie: is the truth! >> that's the truth! >> stephanie: you should not mix yaeger myself we are southern comfort. >> [ overlapping speakers ]
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>> in the and prepared for war. liberals saw the -- [ mumbling ] >> of the 9/11 attacks and want to prepare indictment and offer therapeutic understanding for our attackers. that's not slander, that's the truth. >> that's the truth. [ glugging sound ] [ barfing ] >> stephanie: i think they are going to have a fairwell liquid lunch at barfy's bar and grill. >> i think you are right. >> stephanie: i hope the judge -- >> hey, where is the bar in this joint? what? there is no bar? >> stephanie: i hope the judge sentenced him to the pokey with you. >> it's back to the bar. >> stephanie: that took time
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but see -- justice. [ applause ] >> the arm of justice is really -- >> stephanie: long. >> yes. >> stephanie: melon flavored liquor always works -- [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> stephanie: since you brought up madoreri. >> yes you did. >> stephanie: no that was grasshoppers. i was in college -- although i bet they still never got that off of the 405, because that was heavy. >> it has caused sections of the 405 to collapse. >> stephanie: that's why we had karma-geddon. they had to replace that section of road. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: richard you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: good morning, i do not find any shame in saying i'm
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a republican. i see a party maturing and finding its legs. >> stephanie: really? >> caller: yes, i do. >> stephanie: how it is maturing? >> yeah, it's pretty old. >> caller: it's a party of transition -- [♪ magic wand ♪] >> caller: i understand character assassination and the linsky tactics and all of that -- [ laughter ] >> caller: but by your conditions -- >> all right. we paint their lives in the teachings of sal linsky. >> caller: i know your listeners probably doesn't understand
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gentrification, but -- that's the problem you can't have a debate without you immediately whipping it into some kind of character assassination. like our side is completely ignorant. >> like your comments. >> caller: my comments come from an academic background. >> stephanie: richard seriously now is this what a party looks like when it is transitioning. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> caller: yes. wasn't it just 15 years ago that the democratic party was self deinstructing -- >> no that was during the clinton administration and the democratic party was just fine. >> stephanie: what are they
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transitioning to? >> caller: let's take chris christie in new jersey the bill he wanted passed wasn't it full of other things -- >> stephanie: no. they pulled most of that out. >> caller: all right. i'll look into that. and don't just believe your word. >> stephanie: would you be offended by somebody calling your hose that was lost pork? >> caller: this is a two-party system. and i wish it was four or five parties, because i don't want corporations -- >> stephanie: there are four or five parties, but they are all in the republican party now.
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>> caller: i am not going to let them tell me how to live my life -- >> stephanie: how are they telling you how to live your life? >> caller: [ inaudible ] a few tiny people in chicago that can't take care of their own house are going to tell people in the entire state how to run our lives. >> stephanie: but look at new york the gun laws there they have worked. is that not a good outcome? >> caller: yes, is there gun violence in texas like there is in chicago? >> yeah, there is a hell of a lot gun violence in texas. >> caller: there is far more in chicago, illinois. >> there are far more people in chicago than there are in waco. >> caller: come on now. >> what do you mean come on now. >> stephanie: what are you saying chicago is a big city?
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>> lot of people live there! >> stephanie: you are counting right? because you believe in gentrifying. >> because i'm an academic. >> stephanie: joe? arizona. hi, joe. hello? >> stephanie: oh, joe is talking to somebody else. obviously less important than me. chuck in seattle. hi, chuck. >> caller: hi. >> stephanie: hi! >> caller: guess what i just got off of the phone with harry reid's office, and they are not really sure if they want to do this filibuster reform thing or not, and they need a little more convincing, so any of your live listeners should call harry reid's office. >> stephanie: oh people who are listening live not the ones
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that are live. >> caller: yes call them and say what they are for. >> stephanie: okay. you actually called harry reid's office. >> yeah the lines are wide open. >> wow. kind of a busy day there on capitol hill. >> stephanie: i'm sorry, harry reid is not available right now. he is betty [ censor bleep ] off. >> mrs. reid is very happy. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: all right. fifty-eight minutes after the hour. david shuster is next on the "stephanie miller show." ♪ [♪ theme music ♪]
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>> stephanie: hello current tv land. david shuster, the most interesting man in the world coming up in just a moment. oh, jacki schechner. >> yes? >> stephanie: it's like our first prom. the new congress convenes in less than an hour. >> do they get corsages and -- >> stephanie: oh my god. i forgot to buy wrist corsages. >> but you do have that goofy pink dress right? >> stephanie: my was powder blue as i recall. >> i designed my own prom dress. it was epic. >> we need a picture. >> stephanie: that was the day my mom gave me a home perm and i remember my boyfriend just said
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oh it's so big! >> i don't think my boyfriend liked my prom haircut either at the time. if i remember correctly. >> stephanie: all right. mrs. schechner send a picture. >> oh, stop it. good morning secretary of state hillary clinton is out of the hospital today after being treated for a blood clot in a vein in her head. they say she is making good progress and is expected to make a full recovery. clinton suffered a concussion when she fainted and fell about two weeks ago, and the clot was discovered during a routine examination. and also plenty of fluid is important because dehydration is another cause for blood clots. more than 40% of the 82 new
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house members being sworn in today come with campaign debt. one example is the incoming member coming from illinois is holding a fund raiser. the in-coming member is alan grayson. he owes about $2 million. but most of that is to himself. and he said he is in no rush to fund raise. he has other priorities. we'll be back with more after the break, including current tv's own david shuster. we'll see you on the other side. ♪ now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking.
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>>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? [ ryon ] eating shrimp at red lobster is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for $11.99. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99! choose any two of five savory shrimp selections like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. two delicious shrimp selections on one plate! all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just $11.99 for a limited time. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. i'm ryon stewart i'm the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differently.
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[ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious.
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>> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it's the "stephanie miller show"! ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ i'm walking on sunshine woe ho ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good, hey all right now ♪ ♪ it's time to feel good ♪ >> stephanie: he-he. it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. oh, it's almost time for the new congress in less than an hour. jacki and i were saying it is like our first prom. ♪ oh dear god it must be him ♪ >> for current tv our good friend david shuster. >> stephanie: as if tuesday
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isn't exciting enough david shuster is coming up. >> he is the most interesting man in the world. ♪ >> stephanie: good morning, david shuster. >> good morning, stephanie miller. always a pleasure to be with you. >> stephanie: yeah i'm all a tingle about the new congress. i'm sure everything is going to be different now. >> i have to say the start to this congress is going to be fun. the first thing they do is have a vote from the speaker. and it's not one of these electronic things. each individual member gets asked whether they want to support the speaker or not. and i think there's a very good chance that we will see for the first time in 90 years we will see a second ballot, because all of the democrats are going to vote against john boehner,
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[ inaudible ]. >> stephanie: i was reading a story with the headline kaball in it. >> yeah and i got to believe one of them quietly plotting behind the scenes is eric cantor. >> stephanie: what? why would you suspect him? >> i don't think eric countered on chris christie after telling chris christie anything [ inaudible ] vote on sandy relief aid and i don't think he quite expected that chris christie would turn right around and go in front of the cameras. >> stephanie: yeah. david i think you are going to have to call us back because this connection is really bad. would you mind.
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>> nope. i'll call you right back. >> stephanie: he is a guy that means it when he says he'll call me back. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] >> as opposed to your high school boyfriend who saw your prom perm. >> stephanie: my hair was like six times bigger than my bad mitt inracket. paul in nevada you are on the "stephanie miller show." welcome. hi, paul. >> caller: yeah hi, stephanie. i don't know why you guys are so happy. this deal. we just got our clocks cleaned. >> stephanie: we did, how so? >> caller: we just made 99% of the bush tax cuts permanent, limited the revenue stream. it's not -- >> stephanie: right. >> caller: and guess what else? everything else is limited.
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a five-year limit -- let me finish. >> stephanie: no, i can't, because david shuster is back. i think as the president said we're going to have to do this in steps clearly. >> right. >> stephanie: hi david shuster. >> wow, i don't want to be accused of you not letting that guy finish stephanie. >> stephanie: it's because of david shuster. [ laughter ] >> i think president obama is a horrible negotiator, and he proved it and i think the democrats are pulling their hair out saying this guy just won reelection. why not hold firm? i don't quite get -- i think the president is scared. i think he is something of a wuse. >> stephanie: david shuster see you have gone and ruined our romance. it is interesting the different takes on it, david. i hear you, and i know some on the progressive side deal that
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way, i was reading a day in democratic underground today, that a lot of people feel the opposite way that the republicans got their assed handed to them on this. >> i think the democrats -- i think -- look i agree, president obama won the battle but i think he may have lost the war. the president took you know -- democrats were able to sake social security, medicare and medicaid cuts off of the table this time they will be on the table next time. and this time around the democrats have no leverage to protect them. well this was nothing compared to what i think the democrats are going to be staring at two months from now. i think my point and maybe the callers as well, that some of it could have been avoided if the president held a little stronger
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now. >> stephanie: david do you really -- i think what the white house, you know, said is that -- this congress is going to take office in what 45 minutes from now. do you think he is going to get more cooperation from them? >> i think he could have gotten more out of this deal. and my question to the white house is what leverage do you have next time? the republicans are going to hold the debt hostage, and the cost of it next time around is going to be pretty dramatic cuts to entitlement programs. and right now the democrats have no way of protecting themselves on that. they don't have any leverage -- >> stephanie: pat tumi said we need to tolerate a temporary
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partial government shutdown. how do you feel like that is going to play out? are the american people going to tolerate the republicans saying we're going to default on our debt again? >> i said the next time around the question will be you either default on the debt or cut government spending. the whole issue of taxes is off of the table. and now it's fine to sort of blame the republicans now, because they are trying to protect the wealthy. and that's why the republicans backeddown, because they don't like being accused that they were willing to shut down the government in order to protect the wealthy. and now are they willing to shut down the government and cause economic chaos over government spending, i think that's better terrain for them. most americans will say of course, if it's government spending standing in the way, then of course the democrats
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should give in and agree with government spending. we all think the government should be smaller. and that's how the mantra is going to go. and then democrats are going to realize they no longer have a flank protecting them. and i just -- i think democrats who are right now celebrating, fine. celebrate the battle but i don't see how democrats win the war. >> stephanie: i'm looking at tweets from donald trump saying the republicans may be the worst negotiators in history. obama and the democrats are laughing at the deal they just got. the republicans got nothing. >> well, so far. >> stephanie: yeah. >> the thing that really scares me is mitch mcconnell. i think democrats might be okay if this was completely left up to the house republicans, democrats might be able to get themselves through this and be fine. mitch mcconnell now has all
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kinds of leverage and also some credibility on the republican side, and i think mitch mcconnell is taking the long view. and i think donald trump and others may be taking something of the short [ inaudible ]. yeah, republicans got killed in this round of negotiations just like when president obama got nothing last time around. i'm just a little worried that all of the things that might have helped the democrats are now gone and there you have mitch mcconnell saying. okay. here we go. you are going to cut government spending, or else it is going to be your fault -- >> stephanie: david. >> go ahead. >> stephanie: i think that it -- i think it can't be underestimated how huge it is that republicans had to vote enmass for tax increases on the rich. i don't care what grover
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norquist says no they didn't vote for a race. yes, they did. >> for the first time since 1990 republicans have agreed to raise taxes. so yes that is a huge deal. but are we going to be looking at democrats having to make major cuts. >> stephanie: right. yep. >> and the question people have to ask is what is more important, raising taxes on the wealthy? or cutting government spending? well, i think we're going to end up having both and my point is -- i think president obama could have gotten -- raising taxes on the wealthy. i think that's a pretty compelling argument and he could have gotten that without having to agree to cutting government spending. >> stephanie: uh-huh. david the hurricane sandy relief stuff, what i think is striking
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is that that laid bare as a lot of reasoning pointed out, that the republicans are in complete disarray, and it is things that didn't used to be a partisan issue, right? >> yeah, i think that's right. and the republican does not only have a leadership dysfunction, there are some that say the [ inaudible ] nothing to do with hurricane sandy relief. and all of a sudden they hear this stuff and start to believe it, and become convinced that the right optics to view these issues is through the prism of conservative media, so they follow conservative media and then they get killed. no fox news is wrong, rush
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limbaugh is wrong. how could you schedule a vote especially after the senate has already given you cover because they overwhelmingly passed the hurricane relief bill. and john boehner looks up and is sort of dumbfounded by the reaction he is getting, they don't want to talk about it now because they see the country is agast at this. >> stephanie: we're going to end on the word agast. thank you honey. >> thanks stephanie. [ applause ] >> stephanie: eighteen minutes after the hour. right bag on the "stephanie miller show." >> ongoing train wreck aside, i love this. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪
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we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies. the cartel is so heavily armed the military needs everything they've got to go up against these guys. ♪
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♪ yeah this is the story of -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ nasty, bow wow, wow, yippi yo yippy yay ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome it to. twenty three minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2. you know i believe the children are our future right.
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♪ i believe that children are our future ♪ >> stephanie: particularly laura -- wait it's laura's daughter kat. >> got ya. >> stephanie: subject line you are my role model. that can't end well. my name is kat from cleveland. my mom had your podcast, and we were listening before vacation when all of the fox and friends viewers were telling you to kill yourself. >> oh, yeah. >> stephanie: it truly made me depressed. i don't know why people have to be so mean to you because of your political beliefs. yeah, kat. ever since i was four you have made me want to run for office.
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wow! they were illogical plots to kill yourself. yeah, that's true. it was the person that suggested -- remember that i shoot myself and then kill someone else -- i can't remember -- >> oh yeah. >> stephanie: right. >> oh! i don't remember. >> stephanie: oh, no kill myself and hide the gun. >> yeah, that was it. which was difficult because you are dead. >> stephanie: it makes me sick. we're so lucky to have someone like you. >> that is adorbs. >> stephanie: it is. steven in chicago -- [♪ circus music ♪] >> stephanie: he is engaging in a little hyperbole, i think. steph i think the schools should be surrounded with barbed wire,
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and surrounded by moats, and in the drop ceilings there should be a billion automatic weapons so that they can drop from the ceiling like ping-pong balls like on captain kangaroo. [ applause ] >> why do you hate the children? >> stephanie: right. >> and sharks are freaking laser beams on their heads. >> but does the mote have alligators rising up chewing on children. >> stephanie: exactly. wearing boller hats. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: don in michigan you are on the "stephanie miller show." >> caller: hi, stephanie, how are you? >> stephanie: good. go ahead. >> caller: the reason i called is republicans are always
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talking about how they are anti-tax. they are anti-tax if you are a rich man but if you are a run of a mill worker somewhere, they are not anti-tax. michigan we never used to have a state income tax on the retirees, once we got a republican governor, we have one now. the average retiree doesn't get that big of a retirement to begin with and there goes a hundred dollars a month out of it. and you were talking about pork barrel stuff. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: it seems to me that if a bill is going to be over -- say, x amount of dollars -- say $2 million. okay. then that's the only thing that can be in that bill. you know, why -- the reason they don't do it that way is so they can get in all of the pork.
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and these congressmen and senator they need to work harder anyway. let's face it. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. >> caller: and if they would just change a few rules they could do a much better job. >> stephanie: yeah exactly. all right honey, thank you. >> tax the poor. it just makes sense. >> stephanie: that's where all of the money is. >> sure. welfare queens in cadillacs. >> stephanie: i love this story. [♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: our old friend slams mischel bachmann. she brought unnecessary drama. >> oh, no. ♪ i'm good thanks for asking ♪ ♪ i'm feeling super ♪
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♪ don't you think i look good in this hat ♪ >> stephanie: see you went there before i even went there. brent in memphis. >> caller: hey, steph. hi guys. >> stephanie: hi. >> caller: we were talking about speaker of the house john boehner, and of course he is opposed to spending so i think he should step up and call for a pay freeze in the house, and they should maintain that pay freeze -- >> stephanie: how about we put them on merit pay? >> there you go. >> stephanie: twenty eight minutes after the hour. jacki schechner joins us next on the "stephanie miller show." >> yay! coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that
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current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> my name is -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. . >> -- i am a very famous minor television personality. >> wow, your voice really changed. >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." thirty-four minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 is the phone number. yay! here is the happy thing. ♪ come on get jacki ♪ >> stephanie: we were just talking on the phone before and you were like you were watching me on tv talking to me on the phone. >> yeah, i was like oh look at that, you are talking to me. maybe you should get back to your show. it's very low-tech space time is what we have. >> that's exactly what it is.
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>> stephanie: you heard from david shuster said. it's interesting isn't it. all of the different takes of these fiscal cliff negotiations. >> yes, i did take a moment on new year's day and said let me wrap my brain on what has happened here. and then we sort of figured it all out, but i think it's how you interpret it. mitch mcconnell wrote an op-ed saying now the tax conversation is over. now we're just going to talk spending cuts, because clearly mitch mcconnell calls the shots. >> stephanie: yeah. >> it will be interesting to see where we land. it's a very difficult thing to interpret. coming off of the health care fight there was a lot of thought that perhaps the white house had sold us out a little bit. and i don't know if people feel that way with regard to catering
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to the republican demands a little bit on raising the $250,000 limit. i just don't know yet. >> stephanie: i just feel like they seem to have one pr disaster after another. now this sandy thing is just -- >> that's ridiculous. i mean i don't know how you -- you know, you call off the session without dealing with an aid package. that doesn't make any sense to me. i know the argument was they didn't want to deal with another spending issue right on the heels of the fiscal cliff, and now they are going to have to address it. >> stephanie: yeah, it's not like if you don't have a roof or anything in the winter in the east -- >> yeah, those new york and new jersey people are just so demanding. >> stephanie: exactly. the next thing is immigration reform. he reiterated his call for
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immigration reform. >> i will admit i took some time off from being a total junky and got out of the house. i went to the movies -- >> stephanie: me too. i needed some separation from david gregory anyway. >> i emerged from my news cocoon. >> stephanie: exactly. he will begin an all-out drive to immigration reform. >> and gun control is the other top priority that we're hearing about, of course. those were the two that we are hearing, immigration and gun control. >> stephanie: yeah. i just feel like the optics have changed, not only with the huge win in the latino vote but now
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in the wake of newtown. i just think the optics are changing on some of these issues. >> it will be interesting to see what happens with immigration just in terms of the republicans who decided that perhaps they needed to be a little more inclusive and tackle some things like immigration reform because they are not going to garner any votes except from the older white demographic. so it will be interesting to see how that plays out in terms of policy. because after the election, all of the republicans came out and said we have to deal with immigration. so it will be interesting to see how that changes the negotiation tactic. >> stephanie: once again, i feel like it is a theme that this version of the republican party only does the right thing when they have to. and they say it out loud. like we may have to do
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immigration because we lost the latino vote. it's like you aren't supposed to say that part. >> it's like i love you women. >> stephanie: don't we know it sister. >> but it's that same concept. the idea that you pay lip service to something you don't believe or stan for, and then somehow expect the electorate to believe you. who knows. maybe they are at a tipping point. maybe it's time to say we got to do something and make some progress. i'm not optimistic, but maybe with this new class we can get some movement. that would be nice. >> stephanie: oh i'm sure they are an entirely different breed all together. >> stephanie: this was a recent story. republicans have a tolerance problem. do you think? he says it goes beyond the
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latino vote extending to anyone who isn't white. and he is talk about the actual numbers, which is pretty stunning. 27% to obama's 71%. he said i think when you define people who look differently than you as -- >> yeah, gosh it's so hard, because you don't want to make generalizations about an entire political party, but it seems to be that the majority of the republican party tens to be -- gosh i'm going to get myself in trouble here. tends to be a little more on the exclusive side when it comes to itsdz racial and ethnic makeup, happens? >> stephanie: yeah, and they were talking about that he also
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won hugely among asians. >> and african-americans, and young people -- anybody who is not older and white and male. >> stephanie: right. the pole said when you call people who believe in global warming, when you talk about gay people, you have a tolerance problem. so that's what he is saying it's more of a general tolerance problem. >> yeah, and it's unfortunate that that defines an entire political party. it would be nice if they could talk about disagreement on policy based on facts, rather than based on fment principals. >> stephanie: and i think generationally is what weened with. voters under 40. how do you redefine yourself to almost half of the electorate.
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we had this right-wing caller on earlier that said oh no we're a party in transition. [♪ magic wand ♪] >> yeah, i have some friends that are very reasonable about the reasons why they are republican or conservative. but it tends to be a lot of fiscal policy. it tends to be more financial and they tend to be more open-minded on social issues. and as we evolve we're more tolerant of social issues just growing up and we talk about gay marriage and more comprehensive immigration policy or just things that we have grown up with that seem very normal to us. >> stephanie: yeah. right. right. you can almost every other day pick up a headline like this.
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[♪ "world news tonight" theme ♪] >> stephanie: mississippi governor calls for putting gay people to death on his facebook page. >> yeah, it doesn't make sense. >> stephanie: he quoted the wildly popular leviticus. >> oh. >> stephanie: which is quite selective. >> and so modern. >> stephanie: have you ever heard anyone respond to that, when they say they also tell you should kill people who eat shrimp? >> this is all out of my area of expertise. >> stephanie: he responded there was a bit of criticism. he said to be clear, i will not apologize for the inspired word of god. >> you know who uses facebook so
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profoundly? sarah palin. >> hitler? >> stephanie: jim that is not the answer to every question. >> i don't think he has a facebook account. >> stephanie: he does it's twitler. >> here is a picture of him shaking jesse's hand. psych! >> my favorite is the modern seinfeld. if there were still new episodes today. >> stephanie: you know you are my bff and everything, but i have to drop you for a bigger name, because road flair mary is on the phone. >> oh i can't compete with that. love you honey. good-bye. what you lost her jingle.
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>> and now on the phone from chicago -- ♪ hold on everybody it's road flair mary ♪ >> good morning, mary. >> caller: good morning. >> hello, happy new year mary. >> caller: happy new year. you talk about immigration. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: i don't know what it is that most of these people don't get. illegal means illegal. come to this country legally like my ancestors did through ellis island. what is it that you people don't get? >> stephanie: by you people you are not referring to your people. >> caller: they want the latino vote because they are most of the population? is that what it is? >> stephanie: no because he doesn't refer to them as you people. [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: if i did what? >> caller: maybe if you were in
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a closed room with him you would. >> stephanie: if i was -- >> caller: you don't know what goes on in his mind. >> stephanie: if i was in a closed room with the president. mary? mary, where did your people come from? >> caller: that is my private business. >> stephanie: oh, all right. i'm just trying to make conversation. >> caller: that's what you people do. >> stephanie: now i'm a you people. >> caller: you have one viewpoint in which we already know with the anointed one -- >> you are a sean hannity viewer, aren't you? >> caller: you blame -- you blame -- okay -- you blame the republicans when -- who is the leader -- or supposedly leader of this country? as far as the hurricane victims why don't he sign the bill?
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>> stephanie: because congress -- >> congress needs to pass the bill -- >> caller: well, he is supposed to be a leader -- >> stephanie: so he is not leading -- [overlapping speakers] >> caller: all of these illegals, you know, they could vote and this and that -- >> people who are here illegally cannot vote. >> caller: oh, really? really? >> yeah. >> caller: is that why there were six-hour lines? >> no, the reason there were six-hour lines is the republicans were trying to shut it down -- >> caller: no, wrong. wrong. wrong. >> stephanie: was that why the president won because it was entirely illegals that were voting. >> caller: i'm not even going to go there. if you people were smart. you would know how this country runs. >> stephanie: how come you people lost the election? >> mary you think the president is a king. >> and passes legislation.
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>> caller: not the king of africa. he does have a statue. >> stephanie: the president has a statue? >> caller: in africa sure. >> i hear it is a country with a lot of diseases. >> stephanie: what's the matter with having a statue in africa? >> caller: fine. fine. >> well, why did you bring it up in a pejorative sense. >> caller: you are the one that said i think he is a king. >> stephanie: well because you said he could just pass the bill -- >> caller: isn't he the president? >> stephanie: yes. but at least he's not back in chicago in an escalade stealing food stamps from your son. >> caller: yeah, yeah yeah. start that again. >> well you brought it up.
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>> caller: you don't live in chicago. >> we all have lived in chicago. >> caller: now he is the mayor -- it's all written out. >> why do you hate chicago? >> caller: i don't hate chicago. >> stephanie: who do you hate? >> caller: i don't hate anybody. >> stephanie: i thought it was going to be a whole new day for new years and you seem extra cranky this morning. >> caller: no, like i said last time i called. i am disgusted. you know what america when you get your first paycheck and you see the 2% that they take for taxes, then let's see what people will think. why don't americans boycott and say i'm through giving these people money that we worked for!
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>> stephanie: wait, what? 2%, what? >> caller: it's the truth. why do i have to give you people and the government my hard -- [overlapping speakers] >> stephanie: you don't think we should have to pay taxes at all? >> caller: i think we pay enough taxes. >> stephanie: oh okay. >> caller: i think we pay enough. >> stephanie: there's no tax increase for 98% of us. >> caller: i don't know what you make. but when you get your check when you see it is 2% less -- >> stephanie: where are you getting that 2% figure from? are you in the top 1% mary? >> caller: everybody is so smart there -- >> stephanie: thank you. >> caller: why don't you look it up and figure it out. >> stephanie: i will. all right. well, i still love you. >> caller: how long are you going to be on the air? [ laughter ] >> stephanie: okay.
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>> if you cut her does she not bleed? i think she is subtracting the 2% from 100%, and therefore the 98% who are not getting -- 2% out of my check! so she did a little math there. >> stephanie: i will not be getting 2% taken out of my check. i will have no check according to her. i'll just be over here in the corner bleeding out. >> does that mean we get a check. >> stephanie: no. we'll be right back on the "stephanie miller show." >> and we'll be right back. >> announcer: it's the "stephanie miller show." ♪ our viewers with the ability to argue with their conservative uncle joe over the dinner table.
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[ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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rich, chewy caramel rolled up in smooth milk chocolate. don't forget about that payroll meeting. rolo.get your smooth on. also in minis.
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we're patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs, bodies. the cartel is so heavily armed the military needs everything they've got to go up against these guys. ♪
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♪ she's got -- >> announcer: stephanie miller. ♪ -- eyes blooudz ♪ >> stephanie: it is the "stephanie miller show." welcome to it. fifty-six minutes after the hour. where does the time go when i'm chatting with road flair mary? >> really? >> stephanie: yes. >> you two should get married. >> stephanie: i'm not one of those gays! i tried that last time.
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bill you are on the "stephanie miller show." welcome, bill. >> caller: hey, thank you for taking my call. i have been listening to your show and i heard a comment earlier the racial bias that the republicans have against president obama because he's african american. >> stephanie: uh-huh. >> caller: i'm curious, though, when i hear the statistics from the election the vast majority -- in the 90-some-percent range of african-americans voted for president obama. >> stephanie: right. >> caller: and somewhere in the 50% range of white or caucasian people voted for president obama. so couldn't it be interpreted as a racial bias against white people by the african american
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community. >> stephanie: let me think about this. no. >> computer says no. >> stephanie: but thank you for calling. what? no. they obviously thought he was the better candidate. and he has policies that appeal more to them. blacks are all racist for voting for obama. [ applause ] >> stephanie: i brought these out early. fred willard avoided trial after completing a diversion program for that adult theater arrest. what does that mean. look over here. stop touching your penis. look over here. that's what a diversion program
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